"The Noir 29" by Le Labo is an intriguing fragrance that harmonizes dark and aromatic elements. It combines fresh and spicy notes like bergamot, fig, and bay leaf with deeper tones of cedarwood, vetiver, and musk. This unique blend crafts a mysterious and sophisticated aroma that balances freshness with depth, evoking an enigmatic allure that's both captivating and elegant.
Inspired by: The Noir 29 Le Labo.
For: Unisex.
Size: 50 ml.
Concentration: Eau de Parfum.
Notes: Top notes are Fig, Bay Leaf and Bergamot; Middle notes are Cedar, Vetiver and Musk; Base notes are Tobacco and Hay.
All our fragrances are inspired by our own bottle, with a volume of 50ml.